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Emergency Care

Dental emergencies are unexpected, painful conditions that require prompt attention to prevent further damage to the teeth, gums, or jaw. Common dental emergencies include:
1. Toothache: A sharp pain or throbbing in the tooth that can be caused by a cavity, infection, or injury.
2. Broken or cracked tooth: A tooth that has been damaged due to trauma or biting on hard objects.
3. Knocked-out tooth: A tooth that has been completely displaced from its socket due to trauma.
4. Lost filling or crown: A filling or crown that has come loose or fallen out, exposing the tooth to further damage.
5. Soft tissue injury: An injury to the gums, tongue, lips or cheek that can cause bleeding and discomfort.
6. Abscess: A painful infection of the gums that can cause swelling and fever.

In the event of a dental emergency, it is important to seek prompt treatment from a dentist or dental specialist. In some cases, such as a knocked-out tooth or severe toothache, time is of the essence and quick action can make the difference between saving or losing the tooth. In other cases, such as a lost filling or crown, prompt treatment can prevent further damage to the tooth.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm water, apply a cold compress to the affected area, and take over-the-counter pain medication if necessary. We recommend you call our office for an earlier appointment if you are experiencing a dental emergency.